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Settings Page for Buyers

Change profile and company information

Updated over a week ago

Clickpath: Top right menu > Settings
You can update both your personal profile and organization information from the Settings page.

Your Profile

  • First/Last Name

  • Email

  • Password

  • Profile Photo

πŸ’‘ Reach out to us at to update your email address.

Your Company

  • Company Name

  • Company Website

  • Founding Year

  • Country of Incorporation

  • Headquarter Location

  • Business Locations

  • Last Financing Size

  • Total Founds Raised

  • Team Size

  • Company Logo (250px X 250px image upload)

πŸ’‘ Details filled out here may affect which deals are visible to you in various marketplaces.

Set Notifications

  • Request accepts

  • Request Rejects

  • Recommendation added

  • Deal Digest

Track Activity

A log of team members' reviews, clicks, and activations of deals in the marketplace.

Manage Team

  • Invitation Policy

  • Active Members

  • Invited (users who you've invited to join your organization)

  • Requested (users who have requested to join your organization)

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