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How to Add Team Members

Adding your coworkers / teammates to your Builtfirst instance

Updated over a week ago

Clickpath: Profile Icon (top right menu) > Team Members

To give your coworkers access to your company's Builtfirst profile, add them as team members. Once they join, your team members can then manage deals, your community (for Partners), and company settings within Builtfirst.

Invite new team members at any time by clicking "Invite Teammate" in the top righthand corner of the Manage Team page.

Enter your coworker's email address to send them a Builtfirst invitation.

Team members that have been invited to your organization live in the Pending section. They move to Active Members only after creating their Builtfirst account.

Manage Team Page Statuses

These categories help to quickly parse your team members' access to your organization via

Active Members: Users that have access to your organization
Requests: Users that are awaiting approval to join your organization

Pending: Users that someone in your organization has issued invitations to, but have not yet joined

Inactive: Users that once had access to your organization, but don't anymore

Rejected: Users that have asked to join your organization, but were rejected

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