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Marketplace Admins

For community managers/marketplace owners (Partners)

22 articles
I Can't Find My Seller's DealFor Partners adding deals from new Sellers
Can't See a Seller You Just Added?Can't see provider / vendor / Seller discount
Inviting Buyers to Your MarketplaceHow to bring Buyers into your Partner marketplace / community to redeem deals
How Do I Share a Link to My Marketplace?For Partner accounts inviting Buyers to view their marketplace / community
Deal ActivityTracking new and removed deals for Partners
How to Change Your Marketplace SubdomainUpdating/editing subdomains for partners
Bulk Uploading BuyersAdding multiple buyers to communities at once
Analytics for Marketplace AdminsReports on buyer trends in communities / marketplaces
Best Practices for Marketplace AdminsTips and tricks to set up your marketplace / community for success
Using Icons in Your HTML BannerFor developers configuring communities / marketplaces
FAQs for Marketplace AdminsQuick answers for Partners managing their Buyers, Sellers, and marketplace / community
Marketplace Images: Best PracticesRecommended sizes & SVG uploads for Partner marketplaces / communities
CollectionsHow to group offers / listings / deals in your marketplace