Clickpath: Build Your Marketplace > Deals > Deal Activity
The Deal Activity table is a timeline of changes to deals that are in the Catalog (previously Seller Library). This includes discount additions as well as removals.
The table is sorted by most to least recent changes and records all activity from the time your account is created.
If a Seller makes changes to a deal already in your marketplace, those changes will reflect automatically.
If a Seller moves a deal from "live" to "drafts", this will remove it from your marketplace and Catalog. Any deal made "live" again after that will need to be re-added to your marketplace manually.
Q: If a deal is added to the Catalog, can my buyers see it?
A: Not automatically. As a Partner, you must manually add deals from the Catalog to your marketplace.
Q: Can I be emailed when a Seller removes a deal I've added from the Catalog?
A: There is no separate notification for deal removals.
Q: How soon do changes appear in Deal Activity?
A: Immediately!