Clickpath: Build Your Marketplace > Products > Activity
The product activity table is a timeline of changes to offers found on the Sellers and Catalog pages. Here, you'll find a log of what has been added and removed - either by your fellow team members or sellers.
The table records all activity from the time your company's account was created. Line items are sorted from most to least recent by default, but you can rearrange this as needed using any combination of sort, column, and filter options.
What Is Tracked
Added to:
Sellers page
Your marketplace (i.e. Products page)
A collection
Removed from
Sellers page
Your marketplace (i.e. Products page)
A collection
Added to
Sellers page
Your marketplace (i.e. Products page)
Removed from
Sellers page
Your marketplace (i.e. Products page)
Added to existing deal
Removed from existing deal
Q: If a deal is added to the Catalog, can my buyers see it?
A: Not automatically. As a marketplace owner, you must manually add deals from the Catalog to your marketplace (i.e. the Products page).
Q: Can I be emailed when a Seller removes a deal I've added from the Catalog?
A: Yes! By default, this type of notification is on for all team members. Double-check or change your settings on the My Notifications page.
Q: What happens if a seller edits an offer that is already on my Products page?
A: The offer will automatically be updated on your end. In activity, it will be logged as if the seller "added" the offer.
Q: What happens if a seller moves their offer from "live" status to "drafts"?
A: This will remove the offer from your marketplace. Even if the same deal is later moved back to "live", you will need to manually re-add it to your marketplace.
βQ: How soon do changes appear in Deal Activity?
A: Almost immediately. There is a 5 minute grace period between making changes and those changes appearing in activity. This is to avoid "spamming" in the event that someone makes more multiple edits to the same offer in a short period of time.